• Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic, Christina Haswood proudly utilized her Public Health expertise to guide our communities through one of the most devastating times in recent history. Christina has proudly led on these issues with her public health expertise at the forefront and will continue to do just that as we discuss and push for Medicaid expansion and equitable public health policies that will ensure everyone has access to the basic human right of healthcare in our state. Refusing to expand Medicaid has cost our state $2 billion and kept quality health insurance from 150,000 people in the middle of a pandemic. Over 70% of Kansans support expanding access to affordable coverage, which will save lives and lower expenses for everyone.

  • Christina Haswood is a strong advocate for Social Justice. Christina is the only Indigenous elected official in the state of Kansas and has proudly worked to ensure that the voices of Indigenous Peoples and all people of color are heard and valued. Christina has proudly co-sponsored legislation that includes:

    Make Juneteenth a recognized holiday in Kansas.

    Abolish the Death Penalty

    Support Unhoused Individuals

    Missing Murdered Indigenous Peoples (MMIP)

    Working to Create the Kansas Version of the Indian Child Welfare Act

    Christina has not stopped there but is constantly working alongside grassroots organizations on police reform: to end qualified immunity, require liability insurance for police officers to price bad cops out of a job, and extend whistleblower protections to ensure that good cops who report abuses of power are not retaliated against. Christina tirelessly advocates for all this and more every day.

  • Christina has a long track record of standing up for the safety of Kansans. During her time in the Kansas House of Representatives, Christina has been a tireless advocate for common-sense gun regulations and reform to ensure the protection of our communities and our families. From Topeka to the White House, Christina’s work on this issue has spanned from co-sponsoring legislation to restrict violent individuals from obtaining firearms to working with partners in the White House on the Safer States Initiative.

  • Our district has a tradition of strong public schools and is serviced by two universities: the University of Kansas and Haskell Indian Nations University. Christina is a proud alumnus of public schools in our Lawrence community and an alumnus of both Haskell and the University of Kansas Medical Center.

    Public education was once a highlight of our state; now, it is underfunded and leaves children in vulnerable positions. We need to return to a state that values our public schools and puts public education and children first. We need to fund our public schools properly and rise above the political fray to ensure the future generations of our state have access to every resource they need to be successful. Christina Haswood will always fight to defend K-12 and higher education funding.

  • The signs have never been more evident; our environment is in crisis. We must act strongly and rapidly to promote the development of renewable energy resources and achieve a 100% clean energy operation by the year 2040. Kansas has a chance to invest, open itself up to clean energy, and reap the economic benefits of all we could do with these opportunities. We can do this not only for the economic benefits but also because we do not have a choice. We need to act smart and act now for the future generation of Kansans, who should have a viable state to inherit.

    We must continue to protect Mother Earth. Christina Haswood will vote to protect our environment and the future of our state every chance she gets.

  • Reproductive rights are constantly under attack in the Kansas Legislature, even though the majority of Kansans support access to safe abortion and contraception. Christina will continue to stand up against extremists to control what women and people with uteruses do with their own bodies. Christina Haswood will always vote, act, and lead to protect the right to choose.

  • Our neighbors in Colorado and Missouri have fully legalized marijuana, and it is time for us to follow suit. There is no reason that our state should not be working toward full legalization.

    It is time to end the war on drugs and the discriminatory policies that have torn families apart. Christina has sponsored legislation to release those convicted of marijuana offenses from prison; she’s advocated for the legalization of marijuana for medicinal and recreational use and complete decriminalization by cosponsoring the Kansas Cannabis Legalization Act. Christina also served on the House Special Committee on Medical Marijuana in 2022.

    Legal recreational marijuana will help block the school-to-prison pipeline, increase tax revenue, and allow farmers more choices of crops to grow. It is time to quit politicizing this issue and work to provide solutions and good legislation for Kansans and our economy.

  • Christina is sick and tired of the hateful, transphobic, and bigoted rhetoric that comes out of the State Legislature every year. Christina Haswood is dedicated to putting policies into action that protect our LGBTQIA+ community from discriminatory policies, starting with ensuring equality and making conversion therapy illegal.

    Christina will always fight for inclusion and equality, firmly believing in equitable treatment for all Kansans regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation.

  • Christina Haswood is a proud supporter of local and small businesses. Christina has built relationships and is a regular patron of small and local businesses. These businesses are crucial to our economy and our community. Christina will always work with state leaders and alongside her colleagues in the legislature to help support these businesses with safe and impactful legislation.